
Land claims law to be opposed

THE Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, which was rushed through Parliament just ahead of last year’s general election and has been championed by President Jacob Zuma, will be challenged in the Constitutional Court.

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Land reform in post-apartheid South Africa – a disappointing harvest by Ben Cousins

Land questions have played a key role in the history of South Africa, and their successful resolution is critically important for stability, democracy and development.

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Challenge to South Africa Restitution Act going to the Constitutional Court

Court papers challenging the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, 15 of 2014, have been filed at the Con­sti­tu­tional Court of South Africa.

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A struggle in vain: How government's failure to obey court ruling affects a labour tenant

His name means Struggle, and despite turning 101 in January, Zabalaza Mshengu is still struggling to get government to process his legal claim to the land where he hopes to live out the time he has left.

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Plaas - Goverment pushing against courts over labour tenants

Court papers challenging the Restitution of Land Rights Amendment Act, 15 of 2014, have been filed at the Con­sti­tu­tional Court of South Africa. Due to the lack of public involvement in the leg­isla­tive process, and due to the vague­ness in the Act regard­ing the resolution of existing claims, the applicants have asked the Court to declare the Amend­ment Act unconstitutional and invalid.

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The Con - eThekwini Housing

Nineteen Clermont households have been ordered by the Durban High Court to vacate their homes to make way for a low-cost, high-density housing scheme that has cost taxpayers more than R7 million before construction has even started.

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iol - Cleremont Informal Settlers

Durban - People who do not want to move out of an informal settlement in Clermont to make way for a housing development have been served with eviction notices. They have been given 30 days to vacate the land. On Friday, the Durban High Court granted the order in favour of the eThekwini Municipality against 19 residents who the city claims have been holding up the housing project.

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